Osuuskunta Oulun Verso - Osoite tuntematon, Finland
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 2012918-6
- Company Status
- Country
- Finland
- Registered Address
- Osoite tuntematon Osoite tuntematon FI
Company Details
- Type of Business
- Osuuskunta
- Incorporated
- 2006-01-16
- Age Of Company 2006-01-16 19 years
- Activity
- Other professional, scientific and technical activities
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Oulun Lämpökuvaus
- Vihersuunnittelu Viheridea NL
- Ajopeili
- Namia Design
- Oulun Senioriapu
- Villiyrtti
- Luonnon voima MH
- Tervapatikka
- Toivonhei
- Liikunta- ja hyvinvointipalvelu Luja&Lempeä
- Kuvagalleria Roosa Kevät
- Luonnostaan Luoden Created from nature
- Korjausompelimo Ulkoiluvaate & Varuste
- Art Kaviokas
- Unique Company Identification (Reid)
- FIPATREK.20129186-03
Osuuskunta Oulun Verso Company Description
- Osuuskunta Oulun Verso is a Osuuskunta registered in Finland with the Company reg no 2012918-6. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 2006-01-16. The declared activity is Other professional, scientific and technical activities. It can be contacted at Osoite Tuntematon .
- 2006-01-16
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for Osuuskunta Oulun Verso as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence
Annual Accounts
Financial data for the last reported full year
Articles of Association
Founding documents
Register Check
Brief check for the existence of the company