Le Croquignolet Pache & Cie - Le Port Auvernier, Auvernier, 2012, Switzerland
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 64540960659
- Company Status
- Country
- Switzerland
- Registered Address
- Le Port
- Auvernier
- Auvernier
- 2012
- NE
- CH Le Port, Auvernier, Auvernier, 2012, NE, CH CH
- Managing Directors
- Thierry Pache
Company Details
- Incorporated
- 2002
- Age Of Company 2002-01-01 23 years
Jurisdiction Particularities
- café-restaurant Le Croquignolet
- Court
- CH/Neuchâtel
- VAT Number
- CHE109977539
Le Croquignolet Pache & Cie Company Description
- Le Croquignolet Pache & Cie is registered in Switzerland with the Company reg no 64540960659. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 2002. The managing director is Thierry Pache.It can be contacted at Le Port Auvernier .
Get Le Croquignolet Pache & Cie Register Report
You are here: Le Croquignolet Pache & Cie - Le Port Auvernier, Auvernier, 2012, Switzerland
- 2002-01-01
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
Announcement from ZEFIX
- 2016-03-21 Rectification
- Le Croquignolet Pache & Cie, à Milvignes, CHE-*.*.* (FOSC du *.*.*, p. */*). Nouvelle nature juridique: entreprise individuelle. La société en nom collectif est dissoute et radiée suite à la sortie de l'associée Robert Pache Marie Dany. Pache Thierry, maintenant domicilié à Milvignes, jusqu'ici associé, en continue les affaires sous la raison de commerce Le Croquignolet Pache, conformément à l'article * CO.
Le Croquignolet Pache & Cie
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for Le Croquignolet Pache & Cie as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence