Marmillod & Dettling, Restaurant Hoffnung, Erzenholz - Schaffhauserstrasse 266 Erzenholz, 8500 Frauenfeld, Switzerland
Company Information
- Company registration number
- CHE-488.656.791
- Company Status
- Country
- Switzerland
- Registered Address
- Schaffhauserstrasse 266
- Erzenholz
- 8500 Frauenfeld Schaffhauserstrasse 266, Erzenholz, 8500 Frauenfeld CH
Company Details
- Incorporated
- 2014-06-02
- Age Of Company 2014-06-02 10 years
- Activity
- Führen von Gastronomiebetrieben.
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Initial company number
- CH/44020284393
Marmillod & Dettling, Restaurant Hoffnung, Erzenholz Company Description
- Marmillod & Dettling, Restaurant Hoffnung, Erzenholz is registered in Switzerland with the Company reg no CHE-488.656.791. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 2014-06-02. The declared activity is Führen von Gastronomiebetrieben.. It can be contacted at Schaffhauserstrasse 266 Erzenholz .
Get Marmillod & Dettling, Restaurant Hoffnung, Erzenholz Register Report
You are here: Marmillod & Dettling, Restaurant Hoffnung, Erzenholz - Schaffhauserstrasse 266 Erzenholz, 8500 Frauenfeld, Switzerland
- 2014-06-02
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
Announcement from ZEFIX
- 2014-06-05 New incorporation
- Marmillod & Dettling, Restaurant Hoffnung, Erzenholz, in Frauenfeld, CHE-*.*.*, Schaffhauserstrasse *, Erzenholz, * Frauenfeld, Kollektivgesellschaft (Neueintragung). Beginn: *.*.*. Zweck: Führen von Gastronomiebetrieben. Eingetragene Personen: Marmillod, Jacques André, von Rossinière, in Weingarten-Kalthäusern (Lommis), Gesellschafter, mit Einzelunterschrift; Dettling, Heidi, von Bachenbülach, in Weingarten-Kalthäusern (Lommis), Gesellschafterin, mit Einzelunterschrift.
Marmillod & Dettling, Restaurant Hoffnung, Erzenholz
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Register Report
Official proof of the company existence